Read Mark 2:1-12 from the Bible and watch the Bible story video below.
For $2,000, the Esperance Heli Tours company will give you a helicopter tour over Lake Hillier. Despite the cost, the tours are exceedingly popular because Lake Hillier is no ordinary lake. A mixture of colourful bacteria and algae in the water makes this lake a bright bubble-gum pink! It is truly a sight that most people haven’t seen before.
A well-recognized miracle in the Bible involves four friends who lowered a man who was paralysed through a roof to get him to Jesus. Jesus saw the friends’ faith and told the man that his sins were forgiven. When the Pharisees questioned Jesus’ authority to make such a statement, Jesus showed His power and authority by telling the paralysed man to get up and walk, and the man took up his mat and walked!
The crowds who saw this miracle were amazed because they had never seen anything like this before. John 1:18 says “No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father’s side—he has revealed him.” When Jesus showed His power and authority to heal and forgive, He was showing that He is God. Though we can’t see God, we can see His power and His love demonstrated through Jesus.
The man who was paralysed needed to be healed. Jesus did something even greater; Jesus forgave his sins, and then He healed the man. Because Jesus is God, He has the power and authority to heal and forgive. Jesus forgives everyone who trusts in Him.
God, thank You for revealing who You are through Jesus—the Son of God. By showing us His power and authority, Jesus showed us that He is God. We can trust in His promise to forgive sins because He is able! Amen.