Jesus shared a last meal - Video


Read Luke 22:7-20 from your Bible.


On their last night together, Jesus and the disciples shared a very special meal—the Passover meal. Passover is a time to remember when the angel of death passed over the homes of the Israelites who placed the blood of the lamb on their doors. The sacrifice of the lamb protected God’s people. Like the lambs that saved the Israelites, Jesus sacrificed His body and shed His blood on the cross to save all who believe in Him.

The Passover meal was full of symbols that point to Jesus. The bread of the meal symbolized perfect holiness because it was without leaven or yeast, which represent sin. The meal also included cups of wine or juice that represent the promises that God would redeem, or save, His people. As Jesus sat with His disciples, He told them that the bread and the cup were now to remind them of His body and His blood. Even though He was perfectly holy and had no sin, Jesus gave up His body on the cross for our sin so that the judgment of God might pass over all who believe in Him.

God’s people had broken the old covenant, and God promised to make a new covenant to forgive sins. The new covenant says that everyone who turns away from sin and trusts in Jesus’ death and resurrection will be forgiven of his sins and will have eternal life.


God, thank You for loving us. Thank You for the promise to send a Savior even when we sinned against you. We thank You for Jesus who is the true Passover Lamb.


During Passover, Jesus had a special meal with His disciples. Host a special family dinner. Consider sharing what you have learned about the Jesus’ meal with His disciples. Spend some time thanking God for the many blessings we have in Him!