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Look at baby photos or videos of each family member. Share stories of joy and excitement that came with the birth of each child. Tell each child how much of a blessing they are to your family. Remind kids that Jesus’ birth is good news because it blessed all of creation. He is the promised Savior who came to deliver us from sin and death.


Watch the Bible story video or read all or parts of Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20; John 1 from the Bible.


A recent trend for expecting parents is to host a gender reveal party. Friends and family gather to watch the parents-to-be cut a cake, pop a balloon, or explode a powder grenade to see what colour is inside—pink for a girl or blue for a boy. No matter what the colour, everyone celebrates the fact that a cute baby is coming!

When the time had come for God to send His Son into the world, the angel revealed the news to Mary and Joseph that Mary would give birth to a Son, and His name would be Jesus. Greater than any gender reveal, this was news that God’s own Son coming as a light into the dark world!

When Jesus was born, God sent a host of angels to announce the birth to shepherds. They were the first to hear the good news that Jesus—the Saviour—was born. The shepherds rushed to Bethlehem where they found Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus just as the angels told them. They shared the good news with others, and everyone was amazed! We all love to celebrate the arrival of a cute baby, but this birth was extraordinary. The shepherds celebrated because the Messiah had come!

The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus, the promised Saviour, came into the world to show us what God is like and to deliver us from sin and death.


Thank God for sending His only Son into the world to save sinners. Praise Him for the fact that this was always His plan. Think about how great God’s love must be to send His Son live with us and die for us. How should we respond to this love?