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What is Communion?

Communion is a special moment we share in our church services where we remember and celebrate Jesus: He died on the cross so that sinners can be saved from their sins. When we take communion it’s a special moment we see, remember, and give thanks for Jesus.

There are two parts to our communion ‘meal’ the bread and the cup.

  • The bread is a symbol of Jesus’ body. His body was hung on the cross in our place.
  • The cup is a symbol of Jesus’ blood. His blood was shed so that we can be forgiven for our sins.

The word communion means ‘to share’ or ‘to have in common.’ When Christians take communion it’s like a family ‘meal’ we share together. We celebrate that Jesus has saved us and made us one big family. We not only share with one another, but in a special way, we connect with Jesus too: when we eat the bread and drink the cup, we receive grace from Him.

Communion is a family meal for followers of Jesus (Matthew 26:26-28; 1 Corinthians 11:23-27). Anyone who knows, loves, trusts, and obeys Jesus can take communion.

Wisdom for parents

In the Bible there is no age requirement for taking communion. The only prerequisite the Bible gives us is that those who take communion know, love, and follow Jesus.

When it comes to kids and communion at ABC, we believe each parent must consider their own children. You know you child better than anyone else.

Here are some helpful questions for you to prayerfully consider and talk through with your children:

  • Have they made a profession of faith in Jesus that is appropriate for their age?
  • Are they showing fruit in love for Jesus and a willingness to obey Him?
  • Do they understand the importance of communion?

What if I’m not sure or my kids aren’t ready?

Like baptism, there’s nothing magical about taking communion sooner rather than later; it won’t keep your kids from sin or earn extra grace from God. It’s okay for your kids to wait and look forward to taking communion. Perhaps it may become a special rite of passage for your kids down the track. Pray for wisdom and discernment as you engage with your kids in conversations around this topic.

If you feel your child is not ready, as you take communion each week spend a moment praying together as a family, thanking Jesus for all that He has done on the cross for us. Remind your kids that this is a special meal they will celebrate and join when they trust and follow Jesus too. That is, after all, what we are praying for as parents.