Hi Church!

There are lots of exciting things happening in the “in community” space of Albany Baptist church life. Here is an overview:


Over 60’s

The Seniors ministry is having a refresh and will now be called the Over 60’s

Main purpose: to connect and care for people who come along and the wider church

Meeting every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of Term at 10am in the Training Rooms

Format: regular Coffee and Chat, with some Special events

Team Leader: Sue Stockman, Deputy Team Leader: Paul Clow

More info to come out in the church Newsletter, or touch base with Sue or Paul.


Ladies Fellowship

Ladies Fellowship has recommenced and is running strong

Main purpose: to connect and care for each other and support Missionaries

Meeting 4th Tuesday of each month at 2pm in Training Room 1.

Format: Informal meeting followed by afternoon tea

Team Leader: Carol Scott, with Sheryl Hawley and Elsabet Taylor assisting.

See Newletter for details



We have received a large order of Nametags and will start printing out the inserts for church attendees in Term 3.

We will let you know more details at the start of the Term 3. We are asking that you contribute $2 to cover the initial cost.

I offer this encouragement - Jesus has gifted his church with all that is needed for us to be built up together and grow in unity as His church – Ephesians 4: 11-13


All care in Christ


Corinne Cameron

In Community Pastoral Leader