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Read all or parts of Nehemiah 1–7 throughout the week or watch the Bible story video below.


In October 2019, more than 1,600 University students in America set the Guinness World Record for number of people buzzing at the same time. The record didn’t exist before that day, but Antonio Boyle, Vice President of the university, came up with the idea and organized the students to set the record. The school’s mascot is the Hornets, so you could say the students were just “buzzing” with school spirit!

You can imagine the thought and work it takes to get such a large group of people to work together. It takes a plan and a leader. When the time came for God’s people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem, God gave Nehemiah a plan and called him to be the leader for the project.

The work was hard, and it was made harder by those who tried to stop Nehemiah and the people’s work. Through it all, God was with them. The people worked together to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. The gates and walls were finished in only 52 days!

The amazing feat was just another reminder of how powerful God is and how much He loves His children. God’s greatest demonstration of power and love is seen in Jesus. God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to save sinners. On the third day, Jesus rose again and secure eternal life for all who trust in Him. This was God’s plan to rescue people from sin and to be with His people forever.

Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem to protect them from their enemies. Jesus came to protect us from our greatest enemies, sin and death. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to rescue everyone who trusts in Him.


Use uncooked spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to see which family member can build the tallest and longest wall. If someone has trouble or gets frustrated, prompt other family members to step in to help. By the end, lead all family members to work together for a greater result. As you build, talk about how the Israelites worked together to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. Because God was with them and they worked together, the walls were finished in 52 days!


God, we praise You because You are powerful and loving. Thank You for showing us Your power and love by sending Jesus to save people from sin. Help us to trust in Jesus and receive the salvation that comes from believing in Him. Amen.