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Watch the Bible story video or read all or parts of Luke 4:16-30 from the Bible.


The small town of Tupelo, Mississippi, is famously known as the birthplace of Elvis Presley. Once Elvis became famous, the town pull out all the stops to celebrate their connection to the king of rock ‘n’ roll. The city has created a museum, signs marking special locations, and even offer tours of Elvis’ childhood home.

Cities all over the United States try to highlight and celebrate their famous current or former residents. Isn’t it surprising that the Bible tells us Jesus was rejected in His hometown? He taught with authority and performed miracles to heal the sick, yet the people did not believe in Him.

Even when Jesus read the words the prophet Isaiah had written about Him and the freedom found in Him through faith, the people were angry and forced Jesus to leave. Jesus was not the Messiah the people expected, so many of them rejected Him. It might seem harsh, but this was all part of God’s plan to save people from their sin. Jesus continued to show people that He is God’s Son and invited them to trust in Him. Many did believe and found new life by trusting in Jesus!

Jesus read Isaiah’s words and announced that He is the promised Messiah. The people of Nazareth rejected Jesus because of their unbelief. God invites us to trust in His Son, Jesus. Jesus came into the world to rescue sinners.


Jesus, we want to believe the words of Isaiah that say You came as good news to the poor, freedom for the captives, and sight for the blind. You are the Son of God who came to rescue sinners. Help us to believe and accept the invitation to trust in You. Amen.


Talk about things that can make it hard to believe in Jesus. The Bible tells us about a man who said to Jesus, “I believe, help my unbelief.” Ask Jesus to help you with your unbelief. Ask Him to give you faith in the areas where you might be doubting His love or His power. He is faithful to grow our faith and help us in our unbelief.