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Make photo IDs for your family members. Include a picture, hair and eye color, age, and a favorite Scripture verse. Use silly photos of each family member to make the IDs fun and lighthearted. Talk with kids about the various uses for a photo ID. Remind kids that the miracles Jesus’ performed help us to believe He is who He says and can do all He promises.


Watch the Bible story video or read all or parts of Luke 4:31-44 from the Bible.


To board an airplane in the United States, an adult is required to show a photo ID and a boarding pass. The identification card helps security know that people are who they say they are, and the boarding pass shows that they have a reason for moving about the airport and boarding the plane.

Jesus performed many miracles in His ministry on earth. On one occasion, Jesus commanded an unclean spirit to leave a man, and immediately the man was healed. The people were amazed at His power. On another occasion, Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law who was very sick. When the people heard the news, they came to Jesus to be healed of their sickness. Again and again, Jesus performed miracles that amazed the people and led many to believe in Him.

All the miracles of Jesus are proof that He is who He says and came to do everything God sent Him to do. Jesus cast out demons, healed the sick, and even raised the dead! Each of His miracles was a sign that He is the Son of God who has come to deliver people from sin. When we read about His miracles, it helps us to believe in Him and all that He promises.

Jesus’ miracles proved that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. His miracles strengthened people’s faith and met their needs. Through Jesus, God did what is impossible for us to do on our own. He provided forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.


Jesus, thank You for the miracles and signs that show us who You are and what You can do. Because of Your power, everything is possible. When we remember everything You have done, it helps us to trust in all You have promised to do. Amen.