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Watch the Bible story video or read all or parts of Luke 5:1-11 from the Bible.


 In 1961, Lynn Joyner took his rod and reel to fish off the dock at Fernandina Beach in Florida. The 130-poud man caught way more than he was expecting when he hooked a goliath grouper that weighed 680 pounds! After a 75-minute battle to reel in the fish, Joyner and friends hoisted the giant fish out of the water and posed for a picture he could show to all his friends!

Peter, James, and John were fishermen in Galilee. After a long day of unsuccessful fishing, Jesus asked them to go into deeper water and throw out the nets. The men didn’t expect to catch any fish, but they did as Jesus asked. Much to their surprise, the nets were so full of fish that the boats almost sank from the weight!

The nets full of fish was nothing compared to what the disciples saw in Jesus. They saw His power and glory, and they knew that Jesus is the Son of God. Then, Jesus said, “Follow Me” and invited the men to be His friends! They would walk with Jesus and see Him do many miracles. They would hear His teaching and learn about His kingdom. After His resurrection, these men would tell the good news about Jesus to the world. That’s better than any fishing story!

Peter understood that he was a sinner and recognized that Jesus is God. He responded to Jesus’ grace and kindness by following Him. When we understand that Jesus is God and that we are sinners, we can turn to Him for forgiveness and follow Him by faith.


Jesus, we see Your power and glory in everything You have done. We are not worthy of Your greatness, but You invite us to believe in You and follow You with our lives. You give forgiveness to all who believe in You and invite them to join in Your mission of making disciples across the world. Amen.


Take a fishing trip with the family. Make sure kids have fun learning to cast and reel. If a family member catches a fish, take a photo to share with others. During the trip, talk about how Peter, James, and John were fishermen until Jesus invited them to follow Him. Because He is the Son of God, the men left their boats and followed Jesus. Remind kids that Jesus invites everyone to follow Him and He is worth following!