Knowing God and Leadership: Term 3 units through the Training Hub

Hi church,

May God be gracious to us and bless us    
and make his face shine on us
so that your ways may be known on earth,    
your salvation among all nations.

Psalm 67:1-2  

Blessed to be a blessing and make the glories of God in Christ known to the nations - how good is that?! I wanted to let you know of some ways you could position yourself to be blessed for more growth in Christ in the second half of the year.

Knowing God (Doctrine) with Phil Beeck and Jordan Diaz Who is God? How do I understand the Trinity? What about End Times stuff? How do I go deeper in knowing God? Sign up for this unit and join in with a great bunch of people to explore these questions and more on Thursday mornings in Term 3 (starting Thurs 21st July). Cost is $200 to audit the unit (chat to me if cost is a concern). 

Leadership unit Whether you are a leader, want to be, or just want to support your leaders better, the Leadership unit we're running in Semester 2 is a rich way to grow in following in the way of our capital 'L' Leader - Jesus! Whether young or old, an experienced leader or a new convert, you will benefit from diving in to this topic. This unit will explore the nature of leadership, including key ideas and practices of leadership from a Christian perspective; essential character traits of effective leaders; and, self-awareness and 'self-leadership'. I'll be running this unit and we will be including leaders from Albany and from around Australia to present and lead us.   If there is enough interest I would consider running this unit after work hours to make it more accessible (usually it would run Thursday mornings). Let me know ASAP if you're interested. $300 to audit (or you can do it for credit as part of the Diploma program).  

Internship 2023 for you? As Phil says, do you want to put your spiritual growth on steroids for a year? An Internship is a much healthier and more powerful way to grow in God than steroids! Get in touch with me if you want to have a chat and find out more. It might be a challenge, but there won't be a loss from setting aside a year to grow both in your walk with God and effectiveness in making his salvation known among the nations.  

Hope you have a great weekend.  

Warmly in Christ,  
