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Spend time over the weekend in an intimate setting, participating in a Christian marriage enrichment course designed to build and nurture your relationship across 5 easy sessions.

Sessions include:

  1. God's Design for Marriage
  2. What damages our connectedness in marriage?
  3. Building the positives - friendship and communication
  4. Building the positives - sex and spirituality
  5. Managing conflict gently

Cost is $240 per couple includes course materials, morning teas and light lunches

Make it a "Weekend Away" - Feel free to book a place to stay in Albany.  If you stay at Dog Rock Motel they will offer a 10% room discount with full buffet breakfast included.  This is an additional private booking through Dog Rock Motel (9845 7200) just mention 'marriage course' to receive discount.

For further details contact Brian and Bev 0428 492 227

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